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free English guided tour with a regular ticket

Friedrichstraße 205 10117 Berlin - zum Stadtplan
Einschränkung: free English guided tour with a regular ticket
Donnerstag 02.04.2015 - Anfangszeit: 11:30 Uhr
Kategorie: Museen

Every Thursday at 11:30 am - free English guided tour with a regular ticket.
Experience a Berlin cityscape that no longer exists - the Berlin Wall in an 18-metre high rotunda at the historical Checkpoint Charlie. From the vantage point of a 4-metre high visitors'platform, immerse youself in the history of this city. The Berlin artist Yadegar Asisi depicts the life at and in the shadow of the Wall on a fictitious autumn day in the 1980s on a 1:1 scale. He thus spectacularly brings the divided city to life for young and over 100 photos by contemporary eyewitnesses, giving the visitor personal insights into the period of the construction of the Wall, life in the shadow of the Wall and the fall of the Wall.

von: Die Mauer

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Andrea 01. April 2015 - 12:20
We will have this tip only once as Dauerbrenner "jeden Donnerstag" with clear Einschränkung/r estriction 10 Euro entry. Please create one complete entry with all the information. We will delete the other entries than.

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