In meinen Kalender importieren (ICS)


Rosenthaler Str. 39 10178 Berlin - zum Stadtplan
Einschränkung: Eintritt bis ca. 21:30 frei, danach Spende: 4-6 Euro
Dienstag 17.04.2018 - Anfangszeit: 22:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Comedy & Theater
Bande á Part
- Tanzbare Veranstaltung für Außenseiter im Eschschloraque - presents

Company HAA & Odd: "Venture II"
Dance & Choreography: Edith Buttingsrud-Pedersen, Annukka Hirvonen, Roberta Ricci
Music: Turi Agostino

Company HAA is a collaboration of four dance artists from different countries, based in Berlin, Germany. Having found each other and worked together for several years through Collective ONE:THIRD, we share an interest in combining different forms of art into a work that reflects humanity and communicates in a transparent manner.
Coming from different backgrounds, our meeting point lies in improvisation and instant composition, in which we cultivate our individual qualities, complex physicality and performative elements. In the desire of opening up our vocabulary, involving new media and other artists, we decided to form Company HAA, a platform for any dance related art. Our work intends to challenge the traditional idea of a performative space. Each of us is continuously developing the research in their personal ways and by coming together we complement each other in a unique manner.

Composer and producer Odd (Turi Agostino, born 1990, AU) takes you through a variety of atmospheres while listening to his music. Having been trained to play piano since an early age it has become the backbone to many of his compositions. Odd is a master in his own world whose endless abilities and ideas further explore the frequencies in music. Much like a soundtrack his music carries you, dark and grimy, soft and melodic alike.

"Venture" is a transforming concept, that can be presented with a changing number of performers in spaces of any kind. Reflecting on the theme of adaptation we create an instant performance through our specific language of movement, choreographic composition and sound. Within changing circumstances and landscapes our familiar sense of connection, communication and listening remain as our nature and awakefully interact with whatever elements are present. A community, a conversation, each time a new journey, another accommodation.

photo: Thorsten Felix

von: vf

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