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⭐Park Show *Stand Up Comedy* Hasenheide ENGLISH 6 PM⭐

--in the park-- 10967 Berlin - zum Stadtplan
Einschränkung: free entry, donations welcome
Sonntag 07.08.2022 - Anfangszeit: 18:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Comedy & Theater
8 Comedians will do authentic Stand-Up Comedy in English for you. Right in Hasenheide, while you have your pick-nick.

The exact location?

52.48433444951093, 13.415330671572908 (google maps coordinates)

Get your free reservation here or just drop by on Sunday. Show starts 6PM sharp.

Please bring a blanket and your own drinks/snacks 

It´ll be 24degrees and sunny.

See you there X

von: Richi Schäfer Comedy

Mehr Infos im Internet:
Hinweis: Richi Schäfer Comedy sucht nette Leute als Begleitung


Richi Schäfer Comedy 22. September 2021 - 18:00
wohooo it´ll be super cool!

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