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Workshop: Paternalism, the ‘Aid’ Narrative and White Saviourism

Marchlewskistraße 27 10243 Berlin - zum Stadtplan
Samstag 04.05.2024 - Anfangszeit: 09:30 Uhr
Kategorie: Wissen live
Workshop for people engaged with people on the move

You want to get involved in support work with refugees? You are already engaged or you come back from volunteering at Europes (external) borders? You want to become more aware about the power dynamics that exist in support structures? Then you are in the right place for our workshop to reflect on Paternalism, the ‘Aid’ Narrative and White Saviourism in the context of support work with refugees.

In the Workshop we will explore the dynamics of paternalism in social interactions in support and humanitarian work, understand its impact on marginalised communities and promote alternative narratives that empower rather than reinforce dependency. Furthermore we want to critically examine the concept of White Saviourism and promote awareness of how to be an ally without perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

When? Saturday, 04.05.2024 at 9:30-13:00
Where? House of Resources Berlin, Marchlewskistraße 27, 10243 Berlin
Language: Spoken and written English
Please sign up via

Who will give the Workshop?
Hadis Yakubi (she/her), has experience as a refugee herself, worked for 14 months in Greece with WISH Lesvos (Women in Solidarity House) and has already given numerous lectures in various contexts, including at the University of Osnabrück and Off University Berlin, as well as in cooperation with non-governmental organisations to break the silence about the deaths at Europe's external borders.
Josi Fahr (she/her), is currently studying for a Master's degree in International Migration and Intercultural Relations at the University of Osnabrück and previously worked at the Italian branch of borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e.V. in Palermo.

von: Brückenwind

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