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SMartDe: cooperative solutions for freelancers

Mehringdamm 61, 2nd court yard 10961 Berlin - zum Stadtplan
Einschränkung: Seats are limited, so please reserve by sending us an email to
Donnerstag 02.02.2017 - Anfangszeit: 11:00 Uhr
Kategorie: International
Working as a freelancer requires a great deal of self-organisation and knowledge outside of the work itself.

_ Do you find yourself wondering what the deal is with being self-employed in Germany?

_ Is your health insurance exorbitantly expensive?

_ Do words such as Finanzamt, Kleinunternehmer and Steuererklärung make you feel insecure?

We have answers, we have solutions. Join us with cookies and coffee for an introduction to the services of the SMartDe cooperative.

The presentation is in English. Questions will be answered in German, English, Spanish and Polish.

Seats are limited, so please reserve by sending us an email to

Time: Every first Thursday of the month / 11am - 12:30pm
Place: SMart Germany / Mehringdamm 61, 10961 Berlin / 2nd backyard, groundfloor


SMartDe cooperative supports freelancers by taking over a majority of their administrative duties. Members of the cooperative benefit from access to social insurances, payment guarantee and general advice on legal and financial issues.

SMartDe is based on the principal of shared economy and solidarity. It is part of a European network with the aim to improve the working conditions for freelancers.

von: SMart Deutschland

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