In meinen Kalender importieren (ICS)

Tuuli Oikkonen & Lasse Junnila - Process of Change IV (live music)

Eugen schönhaar strasse 6a 10407 Berlin - zum Stadtplan
Einschränkung: FREE (also free drinks at opening)
Dienstag 04.12.2018 bis Samstag 15.12.2018 - Anfangszeit: 15:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Kunst
Tuuli Oikkonen & Lasse Junnila - Process of Change IV
Opening: Tuesday 4th 19-21h.
Live music by Lasse Junnila at 20h, Welcome Welcome

Process of Change IV is a personal study of the process of change. Its necessity, comfort and unconcern. Our lives go through changes. Change may be inconspicuous or it may reorganize the whole life. At times taking our limits or offering a release. Common to all change is that it requires a process, after which something new remains to be changed. The review of the process of change has started in March from Rovaniemi, moving through Oulu and there to Helsinki and now to Berlin. Every exhibition has had something same as the previous one and something changed. The review of change is starting to change in every day life.

Tuuli Oikkonen (1989) is a self-taught visual artist from Northern Finland. She studies at the University of Lapland in Master of Arts majoring in Art education.

'I look at the world, our lives, through my art. I'm fascinated by how people act and why. How different situations affect us and how we react to them. How different feelings shows in us and how we deal with them. I get inspiration from nature and all the organic forms. I see in there. In my art works I combine Those to my reflections of life. '

The exhibition combines both paintings and sound art. The sound installation is composed by musician Lasse Tapio Junnila (1989). He composed the work on the basis of painting, our discussion on the theme and personal review of the process of change. The work has been especially made for the exhibition. Sound installation combines organic sound samples and deep soundscapes with synthesizers. Paintings and sound together reflect the overall character of change.


Process of Change IV is a personal study of the process of change; its necessity, its comfort and ease. Our lives are changing. These can be inconspicuous or completely change life; bring us to our limits or liberate us. Every change requires a process that requires something new to change. The Review of Process of Change started in March in Rovaniemi, moved on via Oulu to Helsinki and now to Berlin. Each exhibition was similar to the previous one and at the same time different. Change's review began with a sweeping transformation that crystallized small changes in life into everyday life.

Tuuli Oikkonen (1989) is an autodidactic visual artist from northern Finland. She studies at the University of Lapland on the Master of Arts majoring in Art Education.

"I look at the world, our lives, through my art. I am fascinated by the nature and motives of human action. How different situations affect us and how we react to them. How different our feelings express and how we process them. I am inspired by nature and all the organic forms that I find in it. In my works, I associate these with my thoughts about life. "

The exhibition shows both paintings and sound art. The sound installation is by the musician Lasse Tapio Junnila (1989). He composed the work on the basis of pictures, our discussions about the motive and personal thoughts on the process of change. The piece was created especially for the exhibition. The sound installation combines vivacious sound samples with deep, synthesized sounds. Images and sound together create the overall character of change.


von: Galerie Pleiku

Bilder aus Berlin