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Queermuseu - Cartography of Difference in Brazilian Art

Lützowstrasse 73 10785 Berlin - zum Stadtplan
Einschränkung: freier Eintritt
Donnerstag 19.10.2017 - Anfangszeit: 19:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Museen
Art works are being censored while we sleep. In a country called Brazil the freedom of expression is being supressed, artists are being arrested and exhibitions being abrubtly shut. Berlin ❤ Queer museu is a fight against repression, is an open call to everyone in Berlin to the World, regardless belief, gender or nationality.

Berlin ❤ Queer museu is a response to the censorship act over an art exhibition in Brazil about Identity. A reflex of Intolerance that has been growing in the world throgh images like on USA with Trump, in Brazil with Temer, on Argentina with Macri and on german Bundestag with AfD (Alternative fur Deutschland). What is happening is not about an issue of gender or Nation, we are all together on this.

On September 10, after a campaign of dishonest and defamatory protest carried out by the Brazilian extreme right and by the MBL group (Movimento Brasil Livre), the QueerMuseu exhibition at the Cultural Center of Santander, Porto Alegre, Brazil, was abruptly closed, one month before the scheduled closing date. Queermuseu - Cartography of Difference in Brazilian Art, is the first Queer exhibition of this scope in Latin America, inaugurated on August 15th 2017, with 264 works in various media, and 85 Brazilian artists ranging from the end of the 20th century to the contemporary, including Candido Portinari, Alfredo Volpi and Lygia Clark.

What became known as "The Santander Effect" is increasing rapidly. Works of art are being removed from museums, artists are being arrested, in the Museum of Art of São Paulo were installed black curtains covering the exhibition of erotic drawings, plays are being shut.

Berlin ❤ QueerMuseum is in repudiation of censorship and a scream for freedom. It is a continuation of the project that began with NY ❤ QueerMuseu, which in turns, is a continuation of the QueerMuseu exhibition that happened in Brazil. The intention is that the censored images gain walls from all over the world, to be projected beyond the walls of censorship. NY ❤ queermuseu, organized by Cibele Vieira is now carried by Jacqueline Silva as Berlin ❤ Queer Museu in the Schwules Museum with a dedicactory to Dandara dos Santos, a brazilian woman who was brutally murderd by being transgender. This is to all Dandaras out there. We stand by you, fighting the intollerance against queer art and lives.

It will be a pleasant evening on a vernissage to the exhibition from curator José Gabriel Navarro's "Queer City - stories from São Paulo" that will briefly discuss the current LGBTIQ * situation in Brazil. (In English) lightening the spotlight for what happens in Brazil. Eva Dombo, as the representative of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will tell us more about the close connections between Germany and Brazil. Dombo took care of the representatives of the Schwules Museum when they visited São Paulo this summer.
We will continue the Queer Museum in the world's guerrilla exhibition space with the same series of images that were projected in NY.
Please follow our facebook page for the live streaming and news about our guerrila.

Join us to defend equality and fredom with us. Together we are stronger.
thursday 19/10 19h-23h
Free Entry

Schwules Museum*
Lützowstraße 73
10785 Berlin

von: Blimunda

Bilder aus Berlin